I’ve learned a great deal from my friend and Exec. Coach, Anne C. Mitchell. She has a unique POV. Harvard College. Former VC. A past investment is XOOM, trading at a billion dollars. Her fellow board members include people from Square, Open Table, Sequoia and NEA. Also, a mother, spouse and Coach. So, I’m totally
Category: Brain hacking
Family Skiing and Relationships in ‘Gridlock’
We are away skiing this MLK long weekend. It has been a milestone winter for us. For the first time, all of our children are independent and confident skiers. They can ski any trail with speed and surety. It has been a blast. No more ski schools or dividing the family into a fast group
Your Biggest Obstacle? You
I recently had a call with one of our CEOs. It was one of the best VC-and-CEO conversations I’ve ever had. I told him that I think I had identified his biggest impediment: it is he. My exec. coach has coined the phrase “The Inner Saboteur”. In other words, this is the inner voice in
Zenhabits on Compassion
As I’ve written in the past, I think entrepreneurs should have self-compassion as part of their arsenal, given the many ups and downs at a start-up. I’ve seen companies do well and not well at all. But, it’s the ones “in the middle”–the ones going sideways, for a long, long time–that tests entrepreneurs’ mettle and
How to Be Happy?
Friday was a great day, as I spent it at the MassTLC unConference. It was a fun time to reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and learn about some cool stuff. Also, Anne C. Mitchell and I helped direct a conversation called “Brains & Bliss.” We covered two agenda items: what does the latest neuroscience research
How to Buy Happiness
I’ve blogged openly about how my wife and I donate to charity. For me, giving away 10% of our pre-tax income each year was uncomfortable during the early years of our marriage, when we had little income. But, my wife felt strongly about it, and over time, I learned to deal with it. Now, I