Sometimes, the news is so shocking, I’m stunned for words. I find it hard to blog. After the mass shooting in Las Vegas, I wasn’t sure what to say. Until now. I recently listened to a Podcast Save America episode. In the recent episode, one of the hosts asks of politicians, “What is your plan?” In
Category: Podcasts
During the drive to work this morning, I listened to today’s Times‘ Daily Podcast. They were interviewing a reporter in Houston, as well as a family that was deciding whether or not to leave their home. After seeing a lot of photos about Houston, in all honesty, I started to feel a bit immune. The
‘Tell Me I’m Fat’
I found this podcast riveting. I’ve embedded a player of it below. It is from This American Life and talks about body image. Funny, sad and insightful, all in one podcast. Elna Baker’s story (in Act Two, link here) is particularly compelling.
Climate Change
On Saturday morning, I went to a discussion forum. It was at the HQ of MassWildlife, the agency responsible for caring for our trout waters. They had a series of presentations, all of which were fascinating. One speaker focused on climate change. She reported that 30% of coldwater fisheries already have been lost, and, by
‘The Daily’ Podcast
The Daily podcast is a true gem. It comes from The New York Times and is only about 20 minutes long. Each day, the podcast digs into two current events stories. It is perfect for my commute. The topics are interesting and relevant. If you’re on iOS, click here.
Tom Brady and Peter King Podcast
Montana? Tom Brady? Grit? Self discipline? Getting joy from your job? Making good choices in your personal life? How to ignore criticism? A detailed play-by-play analysis of a tremendous Super Bowl comeback? If any of those topics interests you, listen to Peter King interview Tom Brady. Link here. As a VC, I often am in