Satire is very powerful. The use of barbed humor and irony to draw attention to issues is age-old. It’s a way to be very creative, too. Take a look at the video below. It’s very funny and full of meaning.
Category: Race
Hasan Minhaj’s ‘First World Problems’
As an immigrant, I straddle two worlds. So does Hasan Minhaj, a comedian on The Daily Show. His funny take on that reality is particularly meaningful. I heard about him in the Invisibilia’s podcast, “Frame of Reference.” He and the podcast’s co-host, whose parents survived the Holocaust, talk about the disconnect that can happen between
Redemption and Shaka
It has been an interesting week. Serendipities about writing and choices. First, I read Frank Britt’s article about how we write our own life stories and have the ability to change our paths. Then, Anne Mitchell wrote a comment in response, mentioning a Jeff Bezos idea that we are the sum of the choices we make.
Don Nakanishi
I didn’t know Don Nakanishi. But, I wish I did. I received this morning a heads up that Don has passed away. I didn’t know anything about him, and so, I hit a link to read more. Here’s what I learned: When he arrived [on campus] in 1967, approximately 1,000 men (Yale was all-male until his junior
A Personal Story
Here’s a personal story. There’s a particular old, white man with whom I’ve interacted casually a few times. He didn’t go to college and is very enthusiastic about Trump. He in the past has said things to me such as: “Trump is right about immigrants.” “Muslims want to kill us all. They should be kicked
Samuel Battle
Honestly, I today have struggled with this question: how to commemorate MLK, Jr. Day? It’s been a day of driving back from our ski vacation, unloading luggage, going to the gym, doing laundry, and preparing dinner. All today, I kept thinking whether I was doing “the right thing” to remember a very brave and revolutionary