Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year. It’s the day of our firm’s “Annual Meeting.” It’s when we get together with our investors and report on how we are doing.
Most VC firms do the same thing. We rent a meeting room at a hotel and give a presentation on how our investments are doing. Most VC meetings feature a portfolio company speaker, and a networking event with portfolio companies. We pretty much do the same thing.
The reason I like this day is that it’s always a pleasure to see our investors. It was very big of them to support a one-person VC firm in 2007, and now that we’ve raised two funds, they’ve bet on us twice. There’s always a genuine and supportive vibe in the group when we meet, and I’m so grateful to them for supporting us.
As I’ve written before, in a series of posts, VC is a trust business. It’s very moving personally to know that investors trust us with their capital. It’s very motivating to know that they bet on us as a start-up when the firm just got going.
So, tomorrow, is a special day for me. Our team here feels tremendous obligation to our investors. We want to do well and thank them with great financial results.