At HBS, I’m a “Section Chair” for the first time. HBS students are divided into “Sections” when they first arrive, and each Section Chair is the first faculty member with whom they meet. We gathered with them six times over three days during an orientation program called “START” and hold periodic check-ins with them as
Author: Jo Tango
AI: Five Pieces of Advice for My Students
I am old enough to have made many venture capital mistakes and to see good luck occasionally bounce my way. One thing I’ve learned throughout is this: what are the smartest technical people with the highest opportunity costs most excited about? VC is notorious for hyping up trends since firms are paid a lot of
Father-Daughter Tay-ronto
It took a lot of planning and doing, but my daughter and I went to Tay-ronto for the concert. It was very surreal in that we had some good seats, and so, could see Taylor as a human being vs. an image on a flat screen or as a voice on a song. We were
Angel Investment: Poka Labs
We’re happy to announce that our family angel program (back 80+ entrepreneurs over eight years and donate all gains to charity; details here) has invested in Poka Labs. It’s our 32nd investment (#31 is in stealth mode; portfolio here), and we’re really excited to be part of what Malay Shah and Andrew Bass are doing.
Letter to Section J
At HBS, I’m a “Section Chair” for the first time. HBS students are divided into “Sections” when they first arrive, and each Section Chair is the first faculty member with whom the students meet. We gather with them six times over three days and have periodic check-ins with them. The HBS Case Method is challenging.
Plan B
“When the decline comes, it happens quickly.” – Limited Partner I remember hearing that many years ago from a savvy investor in VC funds. Many firms have a hard time moving on from a senior partner. That individual often “owns” the LP relationships. And as I’ve blogged before here, they control the Management Company and