We’ve had a very peaceful Easter. We went to our Catholic parish for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Saturday Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. Busy weekend!
On Sunday, I woke up early to make home-made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and also, to watch Pope Benedict’s “Urbi et Orbi” talk and blessing streamed from Rome.
Later in the day, my wife’s father and stepmother came over, and I cooked Easter dinner: roast leg of lamb, home-made bread, mashed potatoes, gravy, and roast squash with brown sugar (which the kids love). The in-laws were their usual generous selves and brought a pie and three kinds of vegetables.
I know it sounds like a lot of cooking, but I enjoy it. Plus, some of my best childhood memories include holiday meals my mother cooked. So, I’m hoping my children will have happy holiday memories.
A wonderful holiday weekend to all….