Last weekend, we did a family stay in NYC.
One of our children is doing a summer internship in Manhattan, and we thought it would be a great time to see her and get together as a family.
I’ve lived twice in Manhattan. But, both times, I worked very long hours and had little time to enjoy the city. So, it is fun to come back and visit.
We saw The Play That Goes Wrong, a comedy I highly recommend. The whole family enjoyed it. We did other NYC things and visited a museum, street fairs and some good-but-not-fancy restaurants.
I also went to the Our Lady of Guadalupe altar at St. Patrick’s. That part of the Cathedral means a lot to me for some personal reasons, about which I will blog in the future. I lit two candles and prayed for family, friends and my work.
The highlights of the trip were two-fold. First, we were able to be able together as a family. It is hard to explain, but, as a parent with some children in college, it is fun to see our children all together again. They can be walking down the street ahead of me, and all I want to do is admire them as they chat.
Second, I was able to see where our daughter is staying in NYC. Through a generous friend, she is living gratis at a place with a Central Park view. As a parent, it was nice to see where she is living, so that I can picture it in my mind.
You see, you always want your children to be happy, at peace and have a life of ease. And, if they have to suffer, you want them to be resilient and hold on to their values, to be good people even when it is hard to do so.
As I get older, time accelerates. It is very fulfilling to see your children launch into the world and carve their own paths.
It was a fun weekend to be together as a family.