I’ve long admired the work that Tim Rowe has done at the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC). He does great stuff for entrepreneurs and the community.
I remember he started the CIC just after the Web 1.0 Crash happened. People were literally rushing out of start-ups. Founders were dropping the “.com” suffixes from company names.
Tim kept pushing ahead. People in town were asking, “What the heck is this guy thinking?” Hats off to Tim for having courage and following his instincts. The CIC is a huge success.
I’ll be hosting office hours at the CIC’s Venture Cafe on October 18, 3 pm to 5 pm. If you’d like to meet up, please register here.
Since time will be compressed, please: 1. Quickly describe your background and start-up, and 2. Tell me what your biggest issue is–and, how I can help. No spin. The more honest you are with me, the better I can help you. And, click here for info on Kepha, so I don’t have to burn your time to tell you about us.
See you there!