Well, our house is buzzing here on Christmas Eve. I’m cooking a third (and, thankfully, our last) Christmas dinner. The kids are playing the piano right now and singing Christmas carols, intentionally out of key. It’s quite funny.
We also headed over to visit a special homeless shelter. I’ve written about it before (see “Single and Homeless Mothers: True Entrepreneurs”). The shelter focuses on young women (and, some are very young) who are homeless and addicted to drugs. They’re also pregnant or have a young child or two.
It’s a tough situation. Many of the women grew up in feeble home environments. Nearly all have been sexually abused. You might assume that the women are from the inner city. They’re not. They’re mostly from working class “white” towns. Drugs affect all areas and all people.
The shelter doubles as a rehab center, complete with urine tests, on-premises counseling and educational courses. It’s a source of hope for the women. They attempt to dry out, earn their high school diplomas, and develop life skills. The goal is to have them eventually be able to move out, hold a job, and care for their family.
There’s more information on the program if you click here.
My wife and I donate to the facility. If you’d like to do the same, please do so here. I can assure you that it’s a very low-overhead program and that the living conditions are quite spartan. Just remember to note “for Genesis II,” so they’ll know to which program you’re giving.
Merry Christmas to all….