I don’t know about you, but I’m not yet in the holiday spirit. Honestly, I feel sad.
Maybe it’s due to the funeral I attended yesterday, a very moving outpouring of deep grief. Maybe it’s because of Newtown, CT. Or, that I’m in charge of cooking three different Christmas dinners (which I will enjoy, but will require a lot of work). Perhaps it’s because of my mother (see “Since My Mom Died….”)?
I am not sure.
I’m looking forward to spending time with my wife and children. If you don’t know them, they’re great. I think “graceful” is how most people would describe my wife. She’s awesome.
My oldest child is now about my height. My other children are growing quickly. I’m so proud of them all. They work hard at school and have talents outside of the classroom. Each (so far) is well-grounded. When we asked my oldest what would be an ideal Christmas gift, the response was: “A donation to a good charity.”
I think I’m going to be a bit mellow in the coming 10 days regarding social media. I don’t think I’ll blog much. I will probably Tweet rarely and sporadically. I think I’ll read some good books. I will quietly hope for more snow for skiing. I think I’ll enjoy some silence.
I got up at 4 a.m. this morning to bake some breakfast bread, which always makes my family happy. I think I’ll do more stuff like that: things that create smiles around the house.
Yeah, that feels like the right thing to do.
My warmest wishes for a safe, peaceful and restorative holiday season to all….