Another busy day today.
One of my morning meetings was with an entrepreneur I know. I read his materials before he arrived and sent him an email saying we were unlikely to be a funding source, as we don’t know that space (selling hardware through waste management companies to hospitals). But, I said I was happy to meet him.
As I’ve written in the past, I try to give a clear answer when I meet with an entrepreneur. In this case, I frankly had reservations. He is someone I know and was referred to me by someone whom I know very well. I was worried about insulting him or our mutual friend.
The first few minutes, he did what most good entrepreneurs do: he tried to convince me otherwise. I heard him out, but again, told him we weren’t a fit. And, then, something magical happened. The conversation became very personal and very real. Once he got out of “sell mode” and I got out of “buy mode,” we had a very authentic discussion.
Also, we brainstormed about some options, and I think we ended up with some interesting ideas regarding next steps for him. He also shared some touching stories about his son, as well as a summer gig he did in Poland in 1974, during which he met the future Pope John Paul II, back when he was a largely unknown guy.
So, it was a good meeting.