I found myself awake again super-early, and so, decided to finish reading Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal.
It’s not an easy book to read but extremely valuable. Pavel Hradecky recommended it to me after I pushed out a Tweet asking for book recommendations. So, thank you, Pavel.
Gawande is a great writer, and I enjoyed reading another book of his, Complications. Being Mortal is a bit more “heavy.” It covers end-of-life situations and the decisions a patient and the family needs to make. He also movingly writes about his father’s last days.
If you have an elderly parent, this is worth reading. If you dare wonder what the future might bring, and, thereby, live better today, this is a must-read.
Stephen Covey wrote about this principle: “Begin with the End in Mind.” Realizing that life is finite most definitely affects how I live today.