Summer ended for me on August 1.
I started “case prep” at that point. By nature, I usually front-load my work. But starting early will also give me more than ample capacity to meet my VC responsibilities in the fall.
This fall I again will teach two sections of the Harvard Business School Venture Capital and Private Equity course. Second-year students are a joy to teach. By and large, they’ve overcome the nervousness of the HBS case method, and they continue to want to learn. Students bid for whatever courses they want, and so, it’s a self-selecting group: I’ll have students who want to learn about VC and PE. And that’s fun, when you’re teaching about a sector for which they have genuine interest.
The case line-up is set, and I’m excited for it. I’ve added 11 new cases. The list is below.
I’m eager to meet the students!