Well, nearly the entire Tango household is out of town, visiting grandparents. I’m home with our oldest child, who is recovering from surgery (don’t worry, everything is OK) and who is a very self-sufficient teenager. So, it’s an at-home weekend.
It’s unusual because the house is very quiet (it’s usually buzzing with activity), and I have a lot of unscheduled time (few errands, no sports lessons, etc.). It’s a big change from our usual schedule, and it reminds of the days when I was young, single and living in-town.
I don’t particularly long for those days. I had a great time back then, but life is so different now. It’s much more full of laughter and warmth, now that I’m a husband and a father.
So, here I am, on a sunny Sunday morning, casually reading the newspapers, surfing the Internet, and chilling. I don’t have to be anywhere or to do anything, and so, I don’t feel guilty about this downtime.
Last, I just stumbled upon this cool fly-fishing video. I love to fly-fish. This clip really captures what it’s like to be out on a river with a good friend. And, the serenity conveyed matches the mood in our house right now. The main part starts at minute 2:35.
A peaceful day of rest to all.