My best wishes to everyone for a safe and restorative holiday weekend. At our home, we divided up the cooking responsibilities, and everyone pitched in. I’m grateful that Mrs. T. cooked the turkey, which came out great. Her father and stepmother came over. It was a relaxing day. All the downtime gave me time to read Trevor
Category: Race
Self Defense
I write this with no drama: I’m signing up for a self-defense class. I at times fly fish in very desolate areas, and it feel prudent to be prepared. I just read this article on line that documents Trump followers harassing Asian-Americans. A friend last night posted this on Facebook: The barber shop is in Cambridge,
The Election
Many years ago, I was the “assistant to the assistant coach” of my son’s soccer team. One thing I often mentioned to the players and parents was this: play to win, learn to lose. In other words, the game would be about both striving and learning character. I’m thinking of that phrase as I awoke
American Politics: Helmets and Flak Jackets Required
I voted last Friday and thought I had successfully “moved on” from the election. Then, during my drives to various meetings this morning, I listened to a This American Life podcast on the future of the GOP (up top, or click here). It does a phenomenal deep dive into how the party has divided into two
Baton Rouge
I’m struggling to find words to write. Instead, I will post the Tweets below. Rest in peace, Officer Jackson…. This is Officer Montrell Jackson’s son. Officer Jackson was killed in #BatonRouge today. Violence must STOP. — Jessie Karangu (@JMKTV) July 17, 2016 A recent post from Officer Montrell Jackson, who was shot & killed
After 9/11, there was a massive push from our citizens to quickly put “boots on the ground” in Afghanistan. My first gut reaction was: this won’t end well. After Germany fully opened its borders to immigrants from Syria, I thought: there’s going to be push-back. No, I’m not a political scientist, and I don’t try