I think there are powerful lessons prior generations can teach us. Here is a TED Talk from James White, Sr., as he recounts his experiences as a young serviceman looking to provide for, and protect, his family. I particularly like the lessons learned he has tried to teach to the next generation, his grandchildren. His
Category: Race
Words of Wisdom from Ben Watson
Tonight, I’ve been catching up on the news. It’s a bit disturbing. There are more articles about police officers, captured on video, who have violently and unjustifiably mistreated African-Americans (the arrest of Sandra Bland and her apparent subsequent suicide; and, the sentencing of a L.A. police officer, who was found guilty of assaulting a person, who later died). It made
My Work in the Rural South
I’m reading much about the controversy about the Confederate flag. It reminds of when I worked for six months in the South. I was a young associate at Bain & Co. I was on a project that advised a private company with billions of revenues a year. They sold frozen food door-to-door in rural parts
‘Ignore the Noise’
The Ellen Pao-KPCB trial has been surreal to observe. I don’t know well the players involved but have interacted with them. John Doerr had recruited me for Amazon.com. Two of my previous investments have KPCB as investors. Ellen, who knew the Bit9 CEO, helped the company navigate the KPCB process. The firm led Bit9’s Series
On the Shoulders of MLK, Jr.
This is an amazing photo of MLK, Jr. I’ve been thinking about him, as Monday in Massachusetts is a holiday in honor of him. Our family is skiing at Stowe this weekend. It is my first time on the mountain, and we are staying at a lodge adjacent to the slopes. Every mountain has its
Life Lessons for Me
When the headlines about Ferguson and Eric Garner’s choke-hold death keep proliferating, I just want to fish and pray/hope/wish all the best for the survivors as well as for the policemen involved. I fished an unfamiliar stretch of a river that is new to me. The water is gin-clear and shallow, and the trout are very