After some fantastic beta data, our company Boundless has decided to go for it. Venrock led the round. The company is offering free college text books to students. When the team first pitched us, we were amazed that only about 11% of a textbook’s price goes to the author. The rest funds various logistics, inventory
Our Easter
We’ve had a very peaceful Easter. We went to our Catholic parish for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Saturday Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. Busy weekend! On Sunday, I woke up early to make home-made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and also, to watch Pope Benedict’s “Urbi et Orbi” talk and blessing streamed from Rome. Later
Top-secret VC economics and power unveiled
I wrote a little bit ago about how VCs get paid (more here). In particular, I wrote about the “management company” that exists at venture firms and which controls the money and power at those firms. A management company is essentially a “firm within a firm” and it’s details are often kept secret from partners
Raising VC money: how to handle VC due diligence?
This is the fourth post in a Friday series on “raising VC money.” For the list of topics we are covering, click here. In this post, we’ll focus on the topic: how to handle VC due diligence. So, you’ve come up with a short list of VCs (more here), you’ve asked for the meeting (more
We are the 1%
I met with an entrepreneur who has a cool idea. At the end of our meeting, we started talking about his holiday plans. He and his family are flying back to Israel for Passover. He shared with me that his father is a Holocaust survivor. We then discussed the various trials our respective parents underwent
The early-stage financing digestion problem
I entered the business in 1998, just as the Web 1.0 Bubble started to take hold. So, I don’t have the decades of VC experience many other VCs do, but I have seen quite a few macro and VC cycles. Also, at Kepha, we are laser-focused on early-stage VC, which we call “venture building.” Early