This is the sixth post in a Friday series on “raising VC money”. For the list of topics we are covering, click here. In this post, we’ll focus on “how to negotiate a VC term sheet.” Let’s say that after interacting with a VC, you’re at last invited to the all-critical partners’ meeting (more here)
Seed companies are NOT lottery tickets
Foundry’s Seth Levine recently had a great blog post about what can happen when VCs do too many seeds (more here): I’m seeing an increasing number of Series A pitches where a company has at least one venture investor in its seed, the business is very clearly doing well and where the entrepreneur is simply
New VC data: decline in seeding
Flybridge’s Michael Greeley has a great write-up on newly-released data from the National Venture Capital Association (click here). In particular, he writes about the seed market: “End of the Great Seed Experiment” which is something I have been saying for the better part of a year – there was only $141MM invested in 53 deals
New investment: Cloze
We made a new investment in Cloze and really like founders Dan Foody and Alex Cote. More here.
Jackie Robinson
“Robinson was the target of racial epithets and flying cleats, of hate letters and death threats, of pitchers throwing at his head and legs, and catchers spitting on his shoes.” (Bill Nack, Sports Illustrated) Tomorrow, the nation celebrates Jackie Robinson Day. 65 years ago, Robinson made his pro baseball debut. When he encountered racism, he
Red Sox home opener
Growing up, I went to one pro baseball game. The ballpark was far away and we didn’t have much money. So I couldn’t resist saying yes to season tickets after being on the wait list for 7 years. The video shows some F-16 jets flying over the park during the opening ceremony. Pretty cool. Fun